November 21, 2011
Ticks and your dog.
Did you know that you could find a tick on your dog any time of the year? While most ticks are found outside, some species can live inside your home or kennel. Ticks are much larger than fleas or lice and move slowly. Once the tick starts to feed, they attach to your pet and do not move until they are done feeding, which could be several days. As the female tick feeds on your dogâs blood, she may increase her weight by over 100 times. The bites are usually painless to the dog.
Ticks can spread diseases such as Lyme disease, or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
You can prevent ticks from attaching to your dog by using products such as Frontline Plus or Preventic Collars. Over the counter flea and tick collars do not work very well.
To remove a tick from your dog you should use fine pointed tweezers to grasp the tick close to the skin and gently pull free. Applying rubbing alcohol to the tick, or squirt the spray starter fluid (which is ether) onto a swab and rub the tick may help to loosen itâs mouthparts first. NEVER REMOVE A TICK WITH YOUR BARE FINGERS! You could expose yourself to a disease that the tick was carrying.
Attached female tick.