
A Tick & Flea-free dog is a healthy Dog

Female Dog Tick

Each year, thousands of dogs contract Lyme disease, anaplasmosis and other vector-borne diseases. With their furry coats, proximity to the ground and love of exploration, dogs are 50 to 100 times more likely than humans to come in contact with disease-carrying ticks. Ticks can be present anywhere—from the deep woods to urban parks. This Web site is filled with tips to educate you about Lyme disease and anaplasmosis, as well as other diseases carried by ticks and mosquitoes. You’ll find pictures of ticks, information on how to protect your dog from ticks and how to recognize symptoms of tick disease in dogs. With tick education and awareness, you can help keep your best friend happy and healthy.

Male Dog Tick

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Dog Flea

Despite the availability of simple testing, prevention and treatment options, many people don’t know their dog is suffering from these debilitating tick diseases until it’s too late.

Learn about tick diseases in dogs.

Lyme disease isn’t the only disease dogs can contract from ticks. Ticks can also carry canine ehrlichiosis, canine anaplasmosis and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. These diseases are often mistaken for other conditions and cannot be accurately diagnosed without a trip to the vet. Tick bites on dogs are hard to detect, and tick disease signs may not appear for 7–21 days or longer after a tick bite, which makes regular screening a must.

Lyme disease
Canine ehrlichiosis
Canine anaplasmosis
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Heartworm disease

Best Tick & Flea Spray Treatment: Frontline Spray Treatment

Preventative medications

Check your dog

Check your dog for ticks every day, especially during tick season: spring, summer and fall, or year-round in warmer climates. Brush your fingers through their fur, applying enough pressure to feel any small bumps. If you do feel a bump, pull the fur apart to identify it. An embedded tick will vary in size, from a pinhead to a grape. Ticks are usually black or dark brown. Depending on the size and location of the tick, its legs may also be visible. Ticks need to be embedded for 24–48 hours to spread infections.

Tick removal

Removing embedded ticks is a delicate operation, because a piece might break off and remain in your dog’s skin if removal is done improperly. Follow the steps to the right or consider bringing your dog to a veterinary clinic where a veterinarian or technician can perform the task safely and show you how it’s done. Make sure the tick is removed promptly, as infection can occur after 24 hours.

Dog and tick tips—What you should watch for

Protect your pets by familiarizing yourself with the most common signs,
having your dog tested annually and following the preventive recommendations offered by your vet.

Tick prevention
Annual tick screening
Symptoms of common diseases
Treatment of tick disease
Ticks, dogs and your family

Tick Prevention

Products and medications

Numerous products and medications to prevent ticks on your dog are available
both over the counter and from your veterinarian. Some veterinarians suggest
putting a tick collar on your pet; some will also vaccinate to prevent Lyme disease in dogs.
But no method offers 100 percent protection. Click on the links below for more information
about your prevention options.

