


Not only in summer can be fleas, ticks and lice into a real plague. Frontline is a potent drug that acts to prevent unwanted fur residents and removes an existing infestation within a few days.

For dogs

Ticks, fleas and other skin parasites are not only annoying but can also cause some serious diseases. Protect your dog from vermin. Here are spot on’s, sprays and powders against bugs!

For cats

Ticks, fleas and other skin parasites are not only annoying but can also cause some serious diseases. Vermin products for dogs are often not suitable for cats. Here you will find the appropriate means for puss!


Ticks and fleas are a nuisance not only for our friend, but can also apply to humans and animals to a health threat. Fiprospot is suitable for the treatment of flea and tick infestations in dogs and cats and helps prevent a new infestation for up to 6 weeks.

