
How to get rid of dog fleas and ticks

I’m sure all pet lovers hate dog ticks and fleas. They easily multiply and annoy my dogs really bad. Even if you clean your dogs daily, 90% of the time they will have new ones the following day.

Cats and dogs pick up fleas outdoors. These parasites like dry spots such as your wall, your plants, or your trees. Can you just imagine tick infestation during summer?

Here I have listed a few tips on what you can do to get rid of ticks and fleas. These are based from my experience with my dogs.

1) Wash dogs 2 times a week, or once a week at a minimum. Ticks are easily removed when your dogs’ coat are wet.

2) Wash pets bedding every week. Eggs are usually laid where the pet sleeps. This also applies to your bedsheets if your pet sleeps on the bed.

3) If your dog has ticks or fleas, then your home has too. Vacuum carpets, rugs, soft furnishings, and around skirting boards every week; steam-clean carpets and rugs occasionally. Make sure to vacuum under each furniture.

4) Comb your pet regularly (everyday during the summer) using a fine-toothed metal comb. During the summer, it is ideal that your pet’s coat is kept short.

5)  Consult your vet about treatment options for your pet. I am using Frontline Top Spot. They cost P450-500 per application (for my toy dogs) and are applied once a month.

6)  Do not squeeze the ticks! They can cause infection to your dogs. Burn them or put them in a plastic cup with 1/4 gasoline. Wash your hands thoroughly after.

