
tick | Rita"s Dog Blog

I mean my somewhat strange big brother, Giacometti, and not Alberto who might have had ticks and must have been at least a little strange if he thought his dog sculpture was a self-portrait. Giaco got this big, fat, round tick on his face just above his right eye. It was such a noteworthy tick that I thought the least I could do was share it with you. So here it is, fat, healthy, and happy feeding on Giaco:


Giacometti’s Tick (big)

My dad took that tick out and it was still healthy, head intact and all. Of course he tried to get photographs of it but he said it was a hard tick to photograph, I guess it moved too much or something. Anyway you will at least get the idea from this photo:

Tick at large

Tick at large (big)

Just in case your wondering what that surface is that he is on, it is one of my mom’s indexing books! I hope she will get over it. :)

Have a good day.

Rita the dog

